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A prayer for alcoholics for strength and encouragement

Celebrations and gatherings are marked by eating and drinking. The Bible says that wine gladdens the heart (see Psalm 104:15). On many of our occasions, alcoholic drinks are almost always a part, even a “requirement” for the celebration.

However, there are people who have been dependent on liquor and other alcoholic beverages. As we know, too much of anything is not good and, worse, may bring negative effects on our bodies and lives. Some depend on alcohol to relieve their anxiety. Others drink when they are sad or alone. Some intoxicate themselves to escape a difficult situation or momentarily forget a problem.

Alcohol dependency is a form of addiction. And just like other forms of addiction, this can cause a lot of negative consequences to those who are addicted to it. Let these prayers be a source of strength and courage for those who are battling an addiction to alcohol.

Prayers for alcoholics

Most compassionate God, in You, is mercy, pardon, and strength. You welcome all of us with arms wide open whenever we turn back to You. You are always there to offer us a new beginning. You never leave us in the darkness of sin and guilt. The light of Your unconditional love shines upon us even in times when we choose to sin and fail to avoid evil.

Heavenly Father, You know everything about me. You know my struggles and failures. You are not indifferent to my sins and weaknesses. I come to You, begging for Your mercy and help as I fight alcohol addiction and dependence.

Lord, I confess that I am reliant on alcohol and other intoxicating drinks. I know that in my addiction, there are underlying issues and problems. I have problems that sometimes take their toll on me. I have personal struggles that I cannot resolve on my own. I have worries and fears that I want to escape from. Sometimes, I just feel like drinking for hours and hours without thinking of the possible outcomes of my habit. For all of these, Lord God, I beg for Your mercy and forgiveness.

Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, has come to find the lost. Lord, I beseech You in all humility and guilt: may I be found by Christ. Please grant me the strength and courage to battle this addiction. Without Your help and power working in me, I know I will just succumb to the urges of my body. Do not abandon me, o God, in times when I am tempted to intoxicate myself.

Lord, I also sincerely apologize for the difficulties that my addiction has brought to my family and loved ones. I know they are worried and afraid as to what might possibly happen to me. On the other hand, I am truly grateful that You have given me such amazing people who have never given up on me. Bless them with patience and fortitude as I continue my journey of walking away from this addiction.

Lord, I trust in Your help and grace. I know that You have better plans for me, and I submit myself to Your will. Do with me as You please. Save me from the temptation of alcohol abuse. Walk with me and assure me with Your love and compassion as I strive to be better. I know, my God, that in, with, and through You, I can overcome this obsession.

Through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Short prayer for alcoholics for strength and encouragement

A short prayer for alcoholics for strength and encouragement - square - AvePray

Most loving God, source of courage and grace, please strengthen my desire to avoid overindulging in alcohol. Be with me as I try my best to keep away from these intoxicating drinks. May my joy be founded on You and not on drinking. Bless me with fortitude and discipline as I continue my struggle to ward off alcohol dependency and obsession. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

The Word of God

And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, support, strengthen, and establish you.

1 Peter 5:10 NRSVUE

No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.

1 Corinthians 10:13 NRSVUE

Prayer to St. Monica for alcoholics

Saint Monica, loving and illustrious mother of Saint Augustine of Hippo, I thank you for the good motherly example you have shown us. You were not a stranger to the struggles of being a mother of a wayward and unruly son. Despite such a difficult situation, you never gave up on your son. You have unceasingly shed tears for him. You did not stop imploring God for the conversion of your beloved son.

Saint Monica, God has granted you your long-awaited prayers. As you now enjoy the light of God’s presence, I come to you seeking the same affectionate prayers you have offered for the conversion of your son. Pray for me that I may strive to fight the urges of alcohol dependence and addiction. Please implore God on my behalf as I try all that I can to combat this habit.

Dear Saint Monica, I also pray for the people who are supporting me in this endeavor. Pray for them to God that they may be blessed even more. May they continue to provide me with inspiration and determination to leave behind alcohol abuse.

As I continue my fight against this temptation, I take your son, Saint Augustine, as my model for conversion and a new beginning. Pray for me that just like him, I may turn my life around and walk toward God’s path. I desire nothing but to show Him how much I would like to fulfill His will in my life.

Saint Monica, pray for us. Amen.

Further reflection

Occasional drinking is not at all bad. When we drink, let us see to it that we drink in moderation and within the boundaries of our capacity. After all, we do not want anything bad to happen to us or to the people around us.

Addiction to alcohol is a very serious matter. When one is addicted to it, it becomes a part of that person’s system and way of life. The worst is when the person always depends on the consumption of alcohol to the detriment of his/her health and relationships with others.

As Christians, people who are fighting alcohol addiction need our compassion and help. May we not judge them and brand them as hopeless cases. They, too, are our brothers and sisters. They need our help and support as they strive to be free from the chains of addiction.

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