We dream of a society where all of us can become friends. Who would not wish for a life without enemies? But the sad truth is that this seems to only remain in the peripheries of our imagination. Reality tells us that there will always be conflicts, arguments, and quarrels.
We only want healthy and mature relationships. But we cannot also avoid having enemies. No matter how good we are and do, there are still people who may disagree with us, gossip about us, and even hate us for whatever reason.
This prayer takes us to a higher challenge: to pray for our enemies. Praying for our loved ones is very easy but praying for our enemies is almost impossible. In this prayer, let us ask the ever-forgiving God to grant us the grace to pray for our enemies, to forgive them, and to see them always as our brothers and sisters.
Prayer for my enemies
Loving and merciful Father, You know I have always desired to be in loving and harmonious relationships with others. It is always my desire to live in peace with my neighbors. It is always my yearning to see them as my brothers and sisters.
But Lord, I now have enemies. I have friends who are now against me. I am deeply hurt and disappointed by this sudden turn of events. Our once understanding and loving relationships have turned sour. I feel betrayed and deceived. I feel that I am persecuted and despised.
Others may have said unpleasant things behind my back. Some may have gossiped about me to other people. I admit that I am having a hard time trusting people now. I am hurt, dear Lord. My mind is confused and restless.
But You, O God, know my innermost thoughts and desires. I desire to forgive them and be at peace. I ask You for the grace to forgive them. After all, they are still Your children, and we are brothers and sisters in You.
Loving Father, grant me the grace of humility to accept whatever wrong I may have done to them. Help me to humbly admit my faults, intentional or not, and to ask forgiveness for them. Let not my disappointment or anger take away the love and affection I desire to give them.
I offer this prayer for my enemies. I desire to follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who Himself said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). I forgive my enemies and pray for those who persecute me. Grant that my heart may become like Yours: a loving, forgiving, and merciful heart. In the Name of Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Short prayer for enemies
Merciful Lord, I beg You to help me forgive my enemies. As You have pardoned me so much, may I, too, pardon those who have hurt me. May they also forgive me for anything that I did or did not do. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Word of God
Prayer to Saint Maria Goretti for the forgiveness of enemies
Dear Saint Maria Goretti, lover of Christ and example of chastity, you chose to suffer and die in the hands of an enemy than give up your purity and steadfast commitment to Christ. On your deathbed, you still desired to forgive the man who did you a heinous wrong. Your example is truly an inspiring one!
I approach you now to pray for my enemies and those who persecute me in whatever way. May I be graced by God to follow your example of love and forgiveness. May I always see Christ, even in my enemies and those who hate me.
Beloved Saint Maria Goretti, pray for me to Jesus your Spouse. Pray for me that I may be forgiven of my sins and that I may extend His forgiveness to my enemies. Help me not to seek revenge or succumb to bitterness, anger, or hatred. Help me to counter hatred and despising with love and forgiveness.
Saint Maria Goretti, a powerful witness to forgiveness and holiness, please continue to encourage me to forgive and to be holy. May I not forget how God has forgiven me so much, and may I extend the forgiveness and compassion I have received from Him to my enemies and persecutors.
Saint Maria Goretti, a great forgiver, pray for me now and always. Amen.
Further reflection
To be hurt by some stranger is quite upsetting. But to be hurt by a friend who has become our enemy is worse. It feels like we are betrayed by the person we loved and trusted.
Revenge can sometimes be the first thing we think of whenever we get hurt or transgressed by others. When we are hurt by others, it is normal and human to be angry. But hanging on to anger will eventually destroy our life. Being angry is never and will never be helpful in one’s life.
Forgiving someone who has hurt us in the worst possible way can open the door to healing in all aspects of the human person. Forgiveness should be rooted in the desire to be set free from whatever binds a person in an unnecessarily destructive way. But most importantly, forgiving our enemies should be rooted in love and mercy.
The Gospel speaks about how Jesus gives His disciples a “new commandment”: the commandment of and to love. He said, “I give you a new commandment: love one another.” (John 13:34). Christ was very clear on this: it is neither a suggestion nor an admonishment. It is a COMMANDMENT. And as Christians, we ought to follow Christ’s commandments. We should also love those who have hurt us, who have become our enemies, and even those who hate and despise us.