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Soothing prayer for panic attacks

Panic attacks can be an extremely scary experience. That sudden feeling of breathlessness, palpitations, and nausea, accompanied by jumbled thoughts and a shaking body, can leave a negative impact on our mental state for hours or even days. It’s not something a lot of people understand, so learning how to deal with panic attacks and seek comfort can be challenging. 

We can use this prayer every day or when we feel the trigger symptoms. It helps to focus on God, and ground oneself in the reality that we are so blessed, so loved, and never alone. God is with us, the Holy Spirit is within us, and Jesus died to save us. We have the greatest support system, and we are strong and capable of vanquishing our inner demons. May this prayer be a starting point and fuel for our journey toward healing and peace of mind. 

Prayer for panic attacks

Gracious God, my Solid Rock,

I celebrate Your Name and unfailing consistency in my life. Your presence brings me peace and calmness, and I feel Your love in small but beautiful moments: a friend offering their shoulder for my tears, a family member cooking me my favorite food, even just a Bible verse that randomly pops up on my phone but brightens my day. 

Forgive me if I failed You as a child, a servant, a follower, a disciple. I know that the only way for my guilt and shame to be washed away is through Your son Jesus Christ, and I wholeheartedly declare Him as my Lord and Savior, the Messiah that was promised to the world. Train me to be a better Christian servant and how to set a better example for those who have yet to know Your Name. There’s nothing I can do to repay You for all my sins but to put my faith in You and allow the Holy Spirit to fill me with inspiration and courage. May I set out and preach stories about Your Gospel and love to the nations. 

Thank You for being my rock and anchor all these years. Even when I disobey Your Word, You never leave me. Who am I but a fragile flower, a leaf carried by the breeze, a single wave crashing on the shore? I consider my life eventful, but I am merely a blink in the expanse of time, just a simple person without an incredible legacy to be remembered by. Yet here is the King of kings, the Lord of lords, being my greatest Friend, Protector, Redeemer, and Comforter! My mouth will run dry before I can thank You for every blessing I received from You. Thank You, my amazing God, for this wonderful life of mine. 

The negative thoughts that live in my head know how to control me and make me vulnerable. They know how to hurt me so badly. They know my fears, my weaknesses, my trauma, and parts of my past that continue to haunt me. But they do not know that the God I worship is more powerful than all of them combined. Even just a hint of Your presence in my life—a check-in from a loved one, a meaningful conversation with a stranger—is enough to chase away the tendrils of fear and panic in me.

When the demons of my mind try to seize control, reassure me of Your powerful, unyielding, and steadfast presence in my life. Watch over me always, O Lord, for I cannot stand alone against them. Only You, and no one else, can shine bright enough to chase away the shadows, so I lean wholly upon You. Give me strength, courage, and peace of mind. Grant me respite from the demons that chase me everywhere.

In this time of darkness and fear, have mercy on me and be my guiding light. Long may You reign over all evil. 


Short prayer for panic attacks

Short soothing prayer for panic attacks - square - AvePray

Almighty Comforter,

Soothe my soul and heal my mind. Shine Your light upon my restless soul so I can carry it with me wherever I go. Strengthen me and instill bravery in my heart as I deal with constant panic attacks. My trauma, fear, and anxiety can leave scars, but with You by my side, I will complete my journey toward healing and peace. By Your grace and through my faith, I will get through this and emerge victorious.


The Word of God

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6 NRSVUE

So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me?”

Hebrews 13:6 NRSVUE

You who live in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust.”

Psalm 91:1-2 NRSVUE

Intercessory prayer to Saint Dymphna

Kind-hearted Saint Dymphna,

Your name has been invoked in reverent prayer by people who suffer just as I do. I praise you for your generous heart and your soothing presence. Because of your own suffering when you were still alive on earth, you chose to help others so that they may never feel alone in their pain. You opened your doors compassionately to all who seek healing and respite from mental conditions, and your acts of genuine kindness and generosity uplift my heart. 

Pray for me as I suffer from panic attacks brought about by trauma, anxiety, and fear. Heal my heart, soul, and mind from the things that trigger my panic attacks. Banish all negative thoughts, memories, and feelings. May you extend your generous hand towards me and soothe me, for my back is weary from carrying the burden of my suffering. I beg you to plead my case to the Lord and ask Him to heal me at long last.  

I cast my doubts and fears to Him, and I rest upon His power and love. May the light of His glory shine and dispel the darkness and demons that suffocate me. By His power, I will break free of the chains that have burdened me for too long. One day, I hope to live as a person who can finally live freely and laugh loudly. 

Saint Dymphna, pray for me. Amen.

Further reflection

Dealing with constant panic attacks can be difficult, debilitating, and scary. A lot of people find it helpful to close their eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, and steadily count up to a certain number until they feel stable and better. However, it’s always best to consult a medical professional, especially if there is an underlying condition or maybe a past experience that is causing the panic attacks. Offering a prayer for calmness can also help direct our focus to the Lord instead of that terrible, frightening feeling. In times of stress and panic attacks, offer a prayer to the Lord, even just a short one, and ask for His help and guidance. He always listens and understands.

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