Saint Maria Goretti, born on October 16, 1890, in Corinaldo, Italy, is a beloved Roman Catholic saint known for her unwavering faith, purity, and the forgiveness she offered to her attacker. Maria Goretti’s humble beginnings as a poor peasant girl did not deter her resilience and dedication to her spiritual beliefs. Her story has inspired countless people over the years, and she has become a symbol of forgiveness and compassion.
At the age of eleven, Maria’s life took a tragic turn when she was brutally attacked by her neighbor, Alessandro Serenelli. Despite the violence she endured, Maria refused to submit to her assailant’s intentions, bravely holding onto her virtues. Mortally wounded in the process, Maria’s final act before succumbing to her injuries was to forgive her attacker, showcasing an extraordinary act of mercy.
Maria Goretti was canonized as a saint by Pope Pius XII on June 24, 1950, and her feast day is celebrated by Roman Catholics worldwide on July 6th each year. With her inspiring story transcending the boundaries of her life, Saint Maria Goretti remains a powerful example of faith, purity, and the immense power of forgiveness in the face of adversity.

Early Life and Family Background
Born in Corinaldo, Italy
Maria Goretti was born on October 16, 1890, in Corinaldo, Italy. She was the third of seven children in her family and grew up in a devout Catholic household. Maria attended the local village school and was known for her intelligence, piety, and wholesome demeanor.
Poverty and Hardships
The Goretti family faced extreme poverty and difficult living conditions. They suffered from a lack of resources and struggled to make ends meet. Despite their hardships, the family remained steadfast in their faith and relied on each other for support.
Farming Family
The Gorettis were a farming family and worked hard to cultivate their small piece of land. Maria, along with her siblings, helped her parents in their daily tasks. They also tended to the family’s animals, which included a small number of sheep and goats.
Parents: Luigi Goretti and Assunta Carlini
Maria’s father, Luigi Goretti, was a hardworking and devout Catholic, while her mother, Assunta Carlini, was a loving homemaker who maintained the home and cared for their children. Together, they instilled in their children the importance of their faith and a strong work ethic.
Maria had six siblings: three brothers – Angelo, Sandrino, and Egidio, and three sisters – Teresa, Amalia, and Rosina. Despite their difficult circumstances, the siblings maintained strong bonds, and their love and support for one another were evident.
Household Chores and Responsibilities
From an early age, Maria took on significant responsibilities within her household to help alleviate the burden on her parents. She cared for her younger siblings, cooked meals, and assisted with the family’s chores. Maria’s strong work ethic and dedication to her family were highly regarded, and her devout nature further enhanced her character.
Faith and Virtue
First Holy Communion
Maria Goretti had a strong faith from a young age, which is demonstrated by her preparation for and anticipation of her First Holy Communion. She took this event seriously, understanding its significance in the Catholic Church. Maria was eager to receive the Sacrament and devote her life to Christ. This deep faith was the foundation of her virtue and innocence.
Devotion to the Virgin Mary
Maria had a particular devotion to the Virgin Mary. She often prayed the Rosary and looked to Mary as a model of purity and virtue. This intimate relationship with the Virgin Mother served to strengthen her resolve in difficult times, especially when faced with temptation or danger.
Prayer Life
Central to Maria Goretti’s faith was her consistent prayer life. She believed in the power of prayer and relied on it to remain close to God. Maria regularly attended Mass and participated in parish devotions, showing great love for and commitment to her faith.
Maturity and Piety
Despite her young age, Maria possessed a maturity and piety beyond her years. Her faith and dedication to leading a virtuous life were apparent in her daily actions, such as her commitment to modesty and her willingness to offer her suffering for the salvation of others. Her habit of attending daily Mass had a profound impact on her spiritual growth and helped to prepare her for the challenges of her life.
Chastity and Purity
Maria Goretti has become a symbol of chastity and purity within the Catholic Church, particularly as the Church’s youngest canonized virgin martyr. Maria’s unwavering commitment to her faith and values, even in the face of extreme adversity, serves as an example of virtuous living for individuals around the world.
The Attack and Martyrdom
Alessandro Serenelli
Alessandro Serenelli was an 18-year-old man and the assailant in the attack against 11-year-old Maria Goretti. He lived with Maria, her family, and his father as sharecroppers, working hard to make ends meet.
Sexual Advances and Resistance
Alessandro developed a sexual obsession with Maria and made advances on her multiple times. Maria, a strongly devout Catholic, consistently resisted his advances and refused to capitulate to sin. She held onto her Christian values and protected her purity, even when faced with significant danger.
Murder and Suffering
On July 5, 1902, after being yet again rejected by Maria, Alessandro stabbed her 14 times with a knife in a fit of rage. Even while suffering from her grave injuries, Maria expressed concern for Alessandro’s soul and forgave him for his actions. She was taken to a nearby hospital, where she had to endure surgery without anesthesia, as it was not available at the time. Maria succumbed to her injuries the following day, becoming a martyr for standing up against sexual violence.
Maria Goretti’s story has resonated with many people, leading her to be canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church. Her steadfast devotion to her faith in the face of evil and her ability to forgive her murderer continue to inspire individuals and strengthen the resolve of rape victims and those fighting against sexual assault.
Forgiveness and Impact on Alessandro
Repentance and Conversion
Alessandro Serenelli, the man who murdered Saint Maria Goretti, experienced a profound transformation while in prison. After being unrepentant and angry for many years, he eventually had a change of heart. This transformation was largely due to the power of forgiveness shown by Maria Goretti, her family, and God’s grace. Alessandro became deeply repentant for his actions and sought forgiveness from both Maria’s family and God.
Dream and Reformation
The turning point for Alessandro came in the form of a dream. In this dream, Maria Goretti appeared to him, offering him a bouquet of flowers. He interpreted this as a sign of her forgiveness and a message of God’s mercy. This experience profoundly impacted Alessandro, leading him to embrace a path of reformation.
Upon his release from prison, Alessandro dedicated his life to working for the Church and spreading the story of Maria Goretti’s forgiveness and sacrifice. He grew close to Maria’s mother and, over time, formed a deep bond with her, united by their mutual love and respect for Maria. Alessandro’s journey from murderer to repentant sinner serves as a powerful testimony to the transformative power of forgiveness and God’s boundless mercy.
Canonization and Legacy
Beatification Process
Maria Goretti began her journey to sainthood shortly after her death. After a thorough investigation of her life, virtues, and martyrdom, the Church declared her Venerable in 1935. Her beatification took place on April 27, 1947, after the Church recognized the miraculous healing of a young nun.
Canonization by Pope Pius XII
St. Maria Goretti was canonized as a Roman Catholic saint on June 24, 1950, by Pope Pius XII. The young saint’s mother, Assunta Goretti, and her murderer, Alessandro Serenelli, were both present at the ceremony. St. Maria Goretti’s canonization made her the youngest canonized saint in the Catholic Church.
Celebration of Feast Day
St. Maria Goretti’s feast day is celebrated on July 6, the anniversary of her death. During the Feast Day, the Church honors her holiness, courage, and piety, as well as her commitment to purity and forgiveness. Special Masses, prayers, and processions are held to commemorate her life and martyrdom.
Patronage and Influence
St. Maria Goretti is the patron saint of youth, teenage girls, and victims of sexual assault. Her story of piety and devotion to God serves as an inspiration to people of all ages. Her actions demonstrate the power of forgiveness and the ability to find mercy and peace in the most difficult situations.
Veneration and Locations
Basilica of Nostra Signora delle Grazie e Santa Maria Goretti in Nettuno, Italy
The Basilica of Nostra Signora delle Grazie e Santa Maria Goretti is located in Nettuno, Italy. This basilica is dedicated to Saint Maria Goretti and is a significant site for devotees who seek to pay their respects and learn more about her life. The basilica houses her relics and incorrupt body, making it an important destination for pilgrims.
Relics and Incorrupt Body
Maria Goretti’s relics are housed in the basilica in Nettuno, Italy. Remarkably, her body has remained incorrupt, which means it has resisted decomposition. This phenomenon is considered a sign of sanctity in the Catholic faith. Pilgrims visiting the basilica have the opportunity to view her incorrupt body, which is preserved inside a glass case.
Statues and Images
In addition to her incorrupt body and relics, various statues and images of Saint Maria Goretti can be found throughout the world. These depictions often portray her as a young girl, representing her innocence and purity. The statues and images serve as a reminder of her courage and unwavering faith, inspiring devotion and admiration among the faithful.