What do you dream about in your nightmares? Do you get chased by a villain, get lost in a never-ending maze, fall down a steep cliff, or face death right in the eye? No matter how many times we’ve had nightmares, we can never seem to get used to them. We often spend a few seconds or minutes blinking awake, taking a quick inventory of reality and determining whether the nightmare was real or not.
There are many reasons why nightmares happen to us while we sleep. Firstly, it’s normal, and it’s our brains’ way of processing a jumble of thoughts or sights we may have unconsciously seen throughout the day or week. Second, they can be a sign of underlying problems like mental unwellness or stress from something we have been worrying about lately. Third, nightmares can be God’s way of talking to us or showing us something that He needs us to interpret.
Saying this prayer against bad dreams can help us ask God to soothe us after experiencing a particularly disturbing dream and can be our way of asking the Holy Spirit if it was a message particularly intended for us.
Prayer for nightmares
Merciful God,
Great is Thy faithfulness to Your humble creations. You are our great and benevolent Creator, the One who powerfully created everything we know and everything beyond what we can comprehend. Your might is felt across the seas, the stars, and all the mountains and valleys of the Earth. Storms and fires are nothing compared to Your strength.
I am a sinner, but it is my greatest wish to be Your servant. You made a great sacrifice long ago that gave all of us the chance to cleanse ourselves from sin and spend the rest of eternity with You. Lord, wash away my guilt with the blood of Jesus Christ, who bravely died on the cross so I could be saved.
God, thank You for taking the time to put tiny details into me: from a body so complex to a planet so vast and teeming with life. Thank You for giving me creativity and imagination, which has allowed me to appreciate the world around me and give meaning and value to everything.
Grant me respite from the nightmares that terrorize me while I’m asleep. Give me peace and courage so that I won’t have to wake up feeling alone and afraid, for I know that You are with me. Comfort and soothe me back to sleep, and may these nightmares not stop me from having the rest I need. Lord God, are You sending me messages through my dreams? If so, please give me the wisdom to interpret Your sacred message for me.
These I ask in Jesus’ Name,
Short prayer for good dreams

From the beginning up to this present moment, Your grace remains unchanging. As I kneel before Your presence, I beg You to purify my soul. Thank You, Lord, for the wonderful things I get to witness. Heal me from the nightmares that chase me during my sleep. May I heal from trauma and fear, and may You grant me the courage to face each one. Grant me peace and restful nights, and also the wisdom to understand Your messages to me.
The Word of God
he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and defense. You will not fear the terror of the night or the arrow that flies by day
Psalm 91:4-5 NRSVUE
I will both lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me lie down in safety.
Psalm 4:8 NRSVUE
Intercessory prayer to Saint Raphael the Archangel
Saint Raphael, you are one of the magnificent seven angels who stand before the Lord’s glorious throne, and God appointed you with the task of comforting those who are in pain. In days of old, you were sent by Him as one of Abraham’s heavenly visitors at the Oak of Mamre. As you stirred the Pool of Bethesda, you became a symbol of healing, and people have sought connection to the Lord through your comforting touch.
I am a mere sinner, a disobedient and imperfect child of God who has committed injustices and hatred among my fellow men and to my Father above. My back is tired and weary from the burden of sin and guilt that I have been carrying, so now I lay these things at the foot of God’s throne, begging Him to soothe and heal me. Saint Raphael, may you carry my pleas for forgiveness and repentance to Him so that He may purify my soul, wash away my guilt, and welcome me into His embrace once more.
Bring Him my praises of thanksgiving for the countless blessings He has and continues to give me: for every day I get to wake up and chase opportunities, for every night of rest and recharge, for every wonderful person who has made life worth living, and for the gift of sacrifice and eternal life through His son Jesus Christ.
I make this prayer for good dreams with hopes that it will reach the Lord’s ears and He will give me respite from the bad dreams that are plaguing me. I know that my dreams, no matter how terrifying, are simply a manifestation of my imagination, yet another one of His gifts. I pray that He will help me understand any message that He wishes to convey so that I can properly heed His command. May the Lord grant me the courage to rest each night without fears of what I will witness while I slumber. When my head hits the pillow and my eyes flutter closed, I hope to see not the monsters of evil but the gates of Heaven. Even in sleep, I hope to dream of golden streets and crystal seas and my loving Father smiling at me with arms outstretched.
I rest my faith and trust in you, Saint Raphael. May you deliver my prayer to the Lord and pray for my peace, courage, and healing.
Further reflection
Persistent nightmares can lead to conditions like depression, anxiety, and insomnia. It’s also possible that these conditions are the reasons why you get nightmares. Furthermore, nightmares can be a sign of an underlying problem that has been worrying you lately. If you have persistent nightmares, it would be wise to consult a sleep specialist or mental health professional.
Apart from consulting professionals in the field, a nightly prayer to overcome nightmares can also help you lay down some of your burdens to the Lord and communicate your troubles to Him. Remember to pay attention to the Lord because He often communicates with us through our dreams.