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Prayer to God for assistance with uncertainty in relationships

Circumstances, one-sided or reciprocal, may be a stumbling block in a relationship, prompting us to question ourselves, “Is this the appropriate person for me?” “Are you still directing me in the right direction?” It is absolutely up to us to accept or reject it. There are also instances when we are unsure why something is occurring and what we should do about it, and we may want to take the next step but are terrified of what will happen if we do.

Before making any decisions, here is a prayer to help us seek guidance from God, the judge of all judges, to help us alleviate our worries in this type of uncertain relationship. Throughout this meditative prayer, keep our hearts and minds open to what God is trying to tell us.

Prayer for uncertainty in relationship

Eternal and loving Christ,

All praise to You, our Lord. The one who constantly exemplifies a genuine relationship towards others even if they had done the worst things to You. Jesus Christ, you were also true to your promises and words through your love and presence that dominates within us. Indeed, you are slow to anger and quick to forgive, and your certainness brought salvation to us who were drowning in sins. 

Lord, pardon me for all the wrongdoings I’ve made and for failing to accomplish the things I should have done. I apologize if I have ever made people uncomfortable with my interaction with them. I am sorry for times when I am unforgiving and fail to develop a good relationship with others around me. I beg Your pardon and seek Your assistance in dealing with these uncertainties.

Nonetheless, I thank You for the ability to love, the compassion, and the generosity You have bestowed upon my family and me. Even though imperfections may sometimes block a treasuring bond, you always make ways to resolve it all. Lord, I also thank you for this heart that loves and for these eyes that never judge, may I nurture these and utilize them in spreading Christly love and compassion to others.

With that, Lord, while I face a great deal of doubt and confusion inside myself, may You, O Lord, help me become more faithful and trusting in Your ways. I also pray for the people engaged in this uncertainty to be given insight and strength so that they may know that they are cared for, loved, and never alone in the days ahead. Lord, please empower and inspire them and me and show us the opportunity of progress whenever we surrender our path to Your purpose. O God, draw us closer to You so that we can face every conflict and challenge with You as our center and defender.

I pray and hope that this opportunity will enlighten me to clear doubts and judgments and win the battles I am facing in this relationship. Help me to make a wise and right decision. All of this, I pray in Your mighty name, Amen.

Short prayer for uncertainty in relationship

Prayer For Uncertainty In Relationship Avepray

Gracious and loving Father, I ask for Your guidance and wisdom in this uncertain relationship I am facing. Enlighten and help me discern a wise and clear decision in this unsettling conflict I am drawn to now. Restore my faith and strengthen me. I trust and ask You in thy Holy name. Amen.

The Word of God

I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.

John 13:34 NRSVUE

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.

Proverbs 3:5 NRSVUE

Prayer to St. Raphael the Archangel for relationships

Archangel Raphael, you are the patron saint of those who are injured or sick. You demonstrated your abilities as a healer of the mind, body, and soul. As you guided Tobias in his journey as well as healed Sarah from the demons that surrounded her, also show me the way to clarity and certainty in these doubting moments I am facing.

Saint Raphael, the glorious angel, I feel compelled to approach you and beg your assistance. I extend my heart to you with complete trust, pleading for your direction and support in the vital duty of preparing for my relationship. Obtain the light of God’s grace for me through your prayer so that I may make informed decisions about the person who will be with me.

As you were the way of blessing for the marriage of Tobias and Sarah, I ask for your intercession for me and my significant other to seek God’s blessing. Saint Raphael, be my companion, as I shall always be yours. I hope to ask for your assistance again in the future. Help me to be committed to the decision I shall make about my relationship. Direct me to the person with whom I may most successfully work alongside in carrying out God’s Holy Command, with whom I can live in this life in peace, love, and harmony and attain eternal joy in the next.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us!


Further reflection

Life is sometimes not all about bliss and comfort; there are times when the relationships we are in bump into some stones, which led us to stumble a bit. But with that, have we ever thought of asking for help, or do we just directly confront the problem frantically with the people who are with us, which eventually leads to chaos? Have we ever thought of approaching God first? Of asking directions from Him so that we can make the right decisions?

Brothers and sisters, sometimes the answer is right in front of us, but we are just too focused on something that we might neglect the very answer we are looking for. We are too clouded with the thoughts and distractions inside and outside us that we sometimes search for answers farther from us.

Relationships are not perfect – it has lapses and failings as we humans are imperfect beings. But only in God will we be perfected if we surrender ourselves and entrust Him with our decisions in life. Because maybe, we encounter these kinds of situations to either wake us up or to make us realize that before entering or pursuing this relationship, we should pray before and should continue praying for it.

Although ambiguity is natural in relationships, whether it is with our family, friends, or significant other, feeling unsettled and doubting our connection can generate restlessness, discontent, and worry. We recognize that we have no power over others and can only manage ourselves.

With that, as we whisper this prayer, pray it earnestly and humbly to purely ask God for guidance to arrive at the right discernment for everyone involved. Trust in Him as He already knows what’s best for us.

Be prepared also to accept the decision meant for us; pray for an open mind and heart to be ready for what will happen in the future.

And whenever life gives us reasons to doubt or whenever we know someone who is in this kind of situation, don’t hesitate to share this prayer with them whenever they are clouded with uncertainties.

May God bless us always.

One thought on "Prayer to God for assistance with uncertainty in relationships"

  1. Thank you Lord for making these messaves and prayers about uncertainty in relafuonships as im right now in the situation. They have just come at the right time for me. I praise God for the writer.

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